Monday, September 19, 2011

The girlfriends guide to everything...

When I was asked to pick the topic this week, I knew instantly that I wanted to write about my friends. I have had so many amazing people in and out of my life, that it's hard to write about one specific group of people. There are the people that I have known since kindergarten, who have witnessed me going through several years of intense teasing- and let's be real- it was devastating. I'm well over it now, but I believe it shaped me to be more compassionate. Then there are the friends that I made when I gave my life to Christ and switched churches. These are the people who have been with me through the darkest times of my life as I endured my parents divorce, battled depression and suicide, and watched my life change dramatically. They were with me as a flighty teenager (However, I prefer to think of myself as simply sanguine) and heard me boldly proclaim the call that I felt on my life. I have never waivered in my passion for missions and I still believe that one day God will open more doors of opportunity for the field. These friends have known me since I was a size four, and still love me even though I'm not anymore. They have cried with me, laughed with me and linked arms with me. I'm still very close with some of them, and the others I have fond memories of.  The group of friends that I have now however, have been the most pivotal in shaping my identity in Christ. They have spoken openly to me about where I am at with Christ, and don't sugar coat the truth that I often need to hear. They have also helped me cope with my past and grow from it. They have been with me through the death of my mother in law, and the precarious birth of my youngest son. This group of women know of my past, but don't bind me to it. They push me when I need to be pushed, and hold me when I need to be held. What I've learned from my friends is that some will observe what you're going through and be merely spectators. Others with participate with you and be your team mate, while the third group will be your cheer leaders and your biggest fan. All three are vital and all three have been established by God for their specific role in your life.


  1. Looooooove this, you should've started a blog a long time ago! Happy you're my friend and not just cause you let me watch babies pop out of you!:)

  2. I love how we have a significant group of ladies for each part of our life! God knew who needed and when they were appropriate to be the main friends in our life! I feel ya girl!! love you!
